Company Information

Company Information Company Information

Name of the Company

Nexxus Petro Industries Limited

Registered Office

B-811 Swati Trinity, Applewood Township Sananthal Sanand, Sarkhej, Ahmedabad, Dascroi, Gujarat, India, 382210

Contact Details


Date of Incorporation

05th October 2021

Corporate Identification Number (CIN)


Company Category

Company limited by shares

Company Sub-Category

Non-government company

Investor Grievances

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Ms. Zehra Murtaza Ghadiali
B-811 Swati Trinity, Applewood Township,
Sananthal Sanand, Sarkhej,
Ahmedabad, Dascroi, Gujarat, India, 382210

Contact: +91-0271-7454-317
Email: [email protected]

Registrar & Share Transfer Agent

Kfin Technologies Limited-RTA

Name of the Contact Person: Mr. Murali Krishna
Designation : Vice President Corporate Registry
Selenium, Tower B, Plot No- 31 & 32,
Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally,
Rangareddi, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, 500032

Contact : +91-40-67162222
Email: [email protected] [email protected]