List of Board of Directors (Downloadable format)
1) Mr. Haresh Mohanlal Senghani
(DIN : 08163360)
Position : Chairman & Managing Director
2) Mr. Rahul Mohanlal Senghani
(DIN : 07563530)
Position : Whole Time Director & Executive Director
3) Mr. Parshwa Shah
(DIN : 07866765)
Position : Independent Director
4) Ms. Dhruvi Rameshbhai Patel
(DIN : 10343920)
5) Mr. Hussain Abdeali Bootwala
(DIN : 10375333)
6) Mr. Gaurav Narendra Mehta
(DIN : ALWPM7998N)
Position : Chief Financial Officer
7) Ms. Zehra Murtaza Ghadiali
(DIN : BKRPR4272F)
Position : Company Secretary
Committees (Downloadable format)
1) Mr. Hussain Abdeali Bootwala
Committee Position : Chairman
Company Designation : Independent Director
2) Mr. Parshwa Shah
Committee Position : Member
3) Ms. Dhruvi Rameshbhai Patel
Company Designation : Non-Executive Director
1) Mr. Parshwa Shah
2) Mr. Jignesh Mohanlal Senghani
1) Ms. Dhruvi Rameshbhai Patel
2) Mr. Hussain Abdeali Bootwala
4) Mr. Parshwa Shah
5) Ms. Dhruvi Rameshbhai Patel
6) Mr. Hussain Abdeali Bootwala